How to pay Soundbox Entertainment At Events,
You can pay Soundbox Entertainment by these methods:
- Cash is King!
- Check. Must be paid on day-of-event to avoid late fees. (See mail-to)
- Credit Card – (1) You can pay your Retainer with a credit card. (2) Final payments must be paid in full one hour before Soundbox Entertainment starts your event.
- Or use the secure form below.
Mail all checks to:
Attn: Soundbox Entertainment
1901 125th Ave NE, #210
Lake Stevens WA. 98258.
All Online Payments Are Handled By PayPal.
YOU DON’T NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT to pay us with PayPal.
They can process a one-time checkout with your credit card,
just like you would do at any other online merchant.
5. Or pay using Square.
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